Evaluating The Two Most Commonly Given Writing Tips


There are two pieces of writing advice that I can guarantee every aspiring author received (on numerous occasions) while pursuing their writing ambitions. The first advice is “read a lot,” and the second is “write a lot.” Both are simple, straightforward tips that likely seem so obvious you might wonder why anyone would find it necessary to give such advice. But there is a reason this advice is repeated so frequently: they are both crucial activities in helping writers to perfect their craft. And here are my thoughts as to why this is so.

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Word Of The Day: Salubrious


Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uhs]

adjective, (adverb: salubriously; noun: salubriousness, salubrity)

1. conducive or favourable to promoting health of body and/or mind.

2. something (of surroundings etc.) that is pleasant; agreeable.

16th century, from Latin salubris “promoting health, healthful,” from salus (gen. salutis) “welfare, health.”

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Accepting The Mystery Blogger Award

GraphicOn Tuesday, Amy Walters unexpectedly nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award. I meant to accept the award before now but I was struck down with a bad cold mid-week which delayed me.

If you are wondering what this award actually is, it is the brainchild of blogger, Okoto Enigma, as a way of recognising undiscovered blogs, and hopefully increasing their visibility so more people can discover them.

So thank you Amy for the nomination, and thank you Okoto for creating the award.

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